Home Chris DeWald | The ghosts of Staunton walking tours

Chris DeWald | The ghosts of Staunton walking tours


“Listen to them, children of the night. ..”. Bela Lugosi’s famous line from “Dracula” brought the blood cold when I was a kid. There might not be any vampires in Downtown Staunton, but you can sure bet there are great walking tours.

Starting the Friday weekend of the 11th of September and every weekend through All Hallows Eve, we have the wonderful Ghosts Tours in two locations in Staunton – at 7 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. at Rendezvous and Coffee on the Corner downtown and at Encounter and the Jolly Roger Haggle Shop on the Historic Wharf, and starting Oct. 2 every Friday night through Halloween at 10:30 p.m. at the Train Depot.

An interview with the local ghost hunter shall be conducted. Come meet Marty Seibal and listen to the famous haunts of our local ghostly culture. This very area in which the interview was conducted was the scene of many a tragic death. Remember, at 10:30, is “for whom the bell tolls.”

The fee for the tours are $10 adult, $5 for boys/ghouls and free for children 6-12 years of age. Advance reservations are suggested. You can call 540.448.2743 or 540.849.7479 for inquiries. Please also note there is a website: www.ghostsofstaunton.com/welcome.html.

Edgar Allen Poe wrote an eerie poem that we all share somewhere:

Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,

By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore,

“Though thy crest be shorn and shaven thou,” I said, “art sure no craven,

Ghastly, grim, and ancient raven, wandering from the nightly shore.

Tell me what the lordly name is on the Night’s Plutonian shore.”

Quoth the raven, “Nevermore

Now a little more about everyday life events for people taking certain medications for strokes. Sometimes, it is Halloween every day. I happen to live in one of those “spirited” homes in Staunton. Now to believe in “Energy, beyond reality, the afterlife, apparitions and just plain old ghosts” is up to your perceptions and beliefs.

I started looking at what was being taken into my fragile little body. Let’s start with going to the actual medications website for information.

1. Klonapin. Well, I only see nightmares and vivid dreams in the things I would worry about and have them anyway. Auditory hallucinations are also possible. I do listen to the voices in my head. They are usually wrong, the dog is always right.

2. Baclofen. Confusion and hallucinations seem to be high lighted. I worked for the city, so that was normal.

3. Tramadol. Yep, in the 50s and have osteoarthritis. Hallucinations could be a side effect, come on give me a break huh? Maybe I am a living nightmare, or maybe I am a zombie.

All right, I want off this ride. Well, I can’t and exist on doses of Rat Poison (Warfarin). I just want to tell all of you, almost everything has a scientific explanation. The winds, a settling house, animals, are usually the things that go bump in the night. Medications are a possibility to “real” perceived visual and audible events. Think your place is haunted or just want to know if the meds got you? Request an investigation into your place.

In our local area go to: www.valleyghosthunters.com/svpi1.htm.

Have a wonderful; time and to you strokers…Get out of the house.


– Column by Chris DeWald



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