Home Saturday classes at Staunton Augusta Art Center

Saturday classes at Staunton Augusta Art Center


staunton augusta art centerThe Staunton Augusta Art Center and Mary Baldwin College art students announce two remaining Saturdays-in-March classes, one scheduled for March 28 and the other (a make-up session from the first Saturday) is scheduled for April 11.

Classes meet 10:30am-Noon in the RR Smith Center for History and Art andincorporate fun, art theory, and the development of art skill.  Cost is $15/$13members per class.  Sign up for one or both.  Preregistration is required by calling 540-885-2028.  Detailed descriptions of the classes follow:


March 28, Sauropods/Exploring Vantage Points in Art
From the top of the tall, long-necked Sauropod to the ground underneath his thick legs, we will explore how the world looks very different depending on viewpoint and how an artist conveys that perspective.  Students will create their own Sauropod and will complete two drawings from the creature’s different perspectives.


April 11, Armored Ankylosaurus/Inventing Textures
Students will use foam clay to mold their own dinosaur creations and add texture using a variety of media such as shells, feathers, gems, fabric, etc.



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