Compiled by Chris Graham
[email protected]
SOMEBODY ELSE WILL DO IT: Virginians average at volunteering
That’s according to new survey data from the Corporation for National and Community Service.
Funny how we have to have a corporation for national and community service, ain’t it?
We have to have paid professionals to get us to volunteer. Interesting.
Anyway …
Back to whatever it was that you were doing before I made this feeble attempt at subtly nudging you to give some of your time to a good cause.
THE HUCKSTER FOR VEEP? So says a new poll
A new Rasmussen Reports poll has former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee ahead of the pack of possible GOP vice-presidential candidates in terms of voter favorability.
I’m still thinking that former Massachusetts guv Mitt Romney has the inside track, though his unfavorability numbers were a bit higher than one might otherwise be comfortable with.
Romney’s saving grace – his favorability ratings are higher among Republicans
TODAY’S HOT OR NOT: The New Blue Media – good reading
Theodore Hamm’s book explores the rise of Blue Media with chapters on blogs including the Daily Kos and MyDD to filmmaker Michael Moore to radio startup Air America to late-night fake-news shows “The Daily Show” and “The Colbert Report.”
The right has long had the lead in exploiting talk radio and of course Fox News to its advantage. Hamm’s analysis shows that the left is coming back with a vengeance.