Volunteers are needed to plant 330 native trees and shrubs on a farm in Rockingham County the morning of Saturday, Dec. 7, as part of a conservation project that will provide habitat for wildlife, filter pollution, and reduce runoff to waterways.
“This is a great way to get hands-on experience planting and establishing native trees while learning about their many benefits. Plus, it’s hard to beat the sense of accomplishment and value you feel when you plant a tree,” said Matt Kowalski, Chesapeake Bay Foundation Virginia Watershed Restoration Scientist.
The planting is part of an effort to establish a three-acre buffer of 930 trees and shrubs along waterways that flow into Smith Creek. Cattle and horses have been fenced out of the farm’s waterways and a rotational grazing system has been implemented. This conservation project supports healthier livestock and cleaner local streams and rivers.
The tree planting will run from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on the Sutmoller Property at 235 Fairview Church Road in Timberville, just south of New Market. Volunteers should be prepared to get wet and muddy and wear layers, long pants, and sturdy shoes. Children can take part in the planting if closely supervised by adults. Light refreshments will be provided, but participants are encouraged to bring water. All volunteers must register in advance at this link or by visiting svswcd.org.
The planting will be led by the Shenandoah Valley Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) with support from the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. This conservation project is funded by the National Water Quality Initiative under NRCS and Virginia’s Agricultural Cost Share Program administered by the SWCD.