McLean-based MCR, LLC, a premier provider of integrated program management services to the U.S. government and allied nations, has been awarded a four-year contract for approximately $8.1 million by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to provide key program management and technical support services to Supreme Allied Command Transformation (ACT) and Allied Command Operations (ACO).
MCR received funding from the Going Global Defense Initiative (GGDI), a program administered by the Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP). The company is also a recent graduate of VEDP’s Virginia Leaders in Export Trade (VALET) Program, a two-year international business acceleration program for Virginia companies.
“As federal budget cuts and sequestration continue to hamper Virginia’s economy, the Going Global Defense Initiative is a vital tool to help Virginia’s defense companies offset the loss of defense revenue,” said Governor McAuliffe. “The GGDI, which is the first program of its kind in the nation, helps Virginia defense companies like MCR diversify their revenue streams by identifying new business in international markets. This successful program is another example of Virginia’s innovative approach to strengthening its economy, as we continue to facilitate international partnerships that are fundamental to diversifying and building a new Virginia economy.”
MCR has participated in the Commonwealth’s GGDI Program since August 2013, the first year of the program. The company graduated from the VALET Program in January of 2016, and has benefitted from international research, market visits and other international business development assistance to facilitate its overall growth internationally and in the defense arena. Most recently, MCR participated in an industry event hosted by VEDP to bring together NATO ACT and industry leaders.
“The success of the GGDI program demonstrates how the federal government, state government and Virginia’s private sector can partner in ways to provide assistance to Virginia’s defense and security businesses in order to benefit the economy of the Commonwealth,” said Secretary of Commerce and Trade Maurice Jones. “MCR is an example of the wealth and diversity of Virginia companies that promote national security and global peace. These companies have the solutions to address not only the known challenges of today, but the unknown challenges of tomorrow. We are pleased MCR has benefitted from Virginia’s GGDI and other international trade programs.”
Virginia companies are helping to build partner capacity for a stronger Alliance. MCR will be responsible for providing program management capability for NATO’s Automated Information System and General Purpose Communications Systems. The capabilities include requirements management, engineering evaluation, change management, business change management and overall program governance. The four-year contract includes a two-year base period and a two-year option. The support will be provided on-site at ACT Headquarters in Norfolk, Virginia and ACO Headquarters in Mons, Belgium.
“MCR is extremely proud of our work supporting NATO’s vital missions,” said MCR Global’s President, Paul R. Marston. “For more than two decades, MCR has provided program management, technical analysis, and enterprise transformation expertise to NATO Agencies. We are delighted to expand that support to NATO’s two strategic commands and look forward to assisting the alliance in delivering the next generation of AIS to our forces on-time, within cost, and with the promised capability. Our participation in VEDP’s programs, specifically the GGDI and VALET programs, helped position our company to be successful on this significant project.”
MCR, LLC, is a McLean, Virginia based professional services firm. MCR Global, centered in Brussels, was recently established as a wholly-owned subsidiary of MCR to serve the needs of Allied nations. More information on MCR may be found at
For more information on Virginia’s GGDI Program, visit