U.S. Senator Tim Kaine, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations and Armed Services Committees, released the following statement after final Senate passage of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, 98-1. The bipartisan legislation, of which Kaine is a lead cosponsor, includes significant provisions he negotiated to set up a prompt, deliberate and constructive process for Congressional review of a final nuclear agreement with Iran.
“With passage of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act today, the Senate has proven it can act in a bipartisan way to assert an appropriate Congressional role on a critical matter of foreign policy – a nuclear deal with Iran. While I strongly support President Obama’s efforts to find a diplomatic path to end Iran’s nuclear ambitions, Congressional review of a final deal can improve the chances of reaching a transformative result. It has been an honor to work with Senators Corker, Cardin, Graham, Menendez and others to craft such a strong bill that seeks to strengthen the U.S. hand in negotiations, rather than undercut it through partisan politics.
“It’s also my hope that the same spirit of bipartisanship will prevail as we shoulder another clear Congressional responsibility – the need to authorize the ongoing war against ISIL.”
Under the compromise approved today, if a final deal is reached between Iran and P5+1 negotiators and submitted to Congress, Congress would have 30 days to hold hearings and either approve, disapprove, or take no action on giving Iran relief from Congressionally-imposed sanctions.