Staunton City Council has set the process to fill the soon-to-be-open City Council seat currently held by Dickie Bell, who was elected to the open 20th District seat in the Virginia House of Delegates last week.
City Council voted at its meeting last night to adopt a procedure for filling the seat through June 30. The final two years of Bell’s term will be filled in the May city elections.
The process adopted last night:
Any resident who meets the standards set forth in the city Charter and Code of Virginia, to-wit: a resident of the State of Virginia for at least one year; a resident of the City of Staunton for at least 30 days; and a registered qualified voter, must submit to the Clerk of Council not later than 5 p.m. local time on Monday, Dec. 7, 2009:
Their qualifications for the position, including, but not limited to: biographical and other information, which may be presented in a resume.
A narrative position statement including, but not limited to, the following information:
– Their vision of the city, including present strengths and weaknesses.
– Short-range and long-range objectives for the city.
– Methods of implementing those objectives.
Every applicant’s position statement shall be posted on the city’s website, and all application materials submitted shall be available for public review at the office of the Clerk of Council.
All present Council members shall receive copies of submissions from all applicants for review purposes.
Council shall discuss, as a body, qualifications of applicants and determine additional information desired through public interview procedures, with deliberations and a appointment by Council to be made at such time as scheduled by Council.
For more information, contact Deborah Lane, Clerk of Council, at 540.332.3810.