Gov. Timothy M. Kaine announced last week that the Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services (DRS) awarded $500,000 in federal funding to 12 Employment Services Organizations (ESOs) with projects designed to increase employment for Virginians with disabilities. The funds were made possible through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), a portion of which serves as recovery funding directed to the state’s vocational rehabilitation system. The projects range from expanding a laundry service operation, to purchasing a multi-passenger van for transporting workers, to creating local community enclaves (small mobile crew of workers with disabilities).
Among the recipients of the funding was the Rockbridge Area Community Services Board in Lexington, which won a grant for $29,500 toward the creation of an enclave at Auto Recyclers LLC in Buena Vista that is projected to lead to 17 job opportunities for people with disabilities.
“People with disabilities have always faced a high unemployment rate compared to those without disabilities, but this economic downturn has created an even larger gap as people with disabilities struggle to compete in this tight labor market,” Gov. Kaine said. “All Virginians deserve the opportunity for a better life through a better job, and I am pleased this recovery funding will create more than 200 jobs for Virginians with disabilities.”
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the rate of unemployment among people with disabilities reached 14.3% in June—the highest rate since the government began tracking monthly disability employment data.
Employment Services Organizations work in partnership with the Department of Rehabilitative Services to provide employment and vocational training to individuals with disabilities. Additionally, ESOs supply competitive services and products to public and private industry. The statewide program has been responsible for increased revenue for numerous employment providers and for expanded job opportunities for thousands of individuals with disabilities.
“It is a partnership that has enabled us to help those with more severe disabilities find jobs that fit their skills and abilities,” said DRS Commissioner Jim Rothrock. “These funds will be a great aid in our ability to respond to our customers’ specific needs.”
A total of 34 grant proposals amounting to more than $1.3 million dollars were submitted for consideration. Based on recommendations from the review panel, Commissioner Rothrock approved the following 12 proposals: