Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance presents the Skeleton Festival on Saturday, October 21, from 4 pm to 8 pm in downtown Harrisonburg.
This event begins with trick-or-treating for children at downtown businesses from 4 pm-6 pm. The party moves over to the Turner Pavilion, 228 S. Liberty St., for an all-ages celebration from 6 pm-8 pm.
For safety reasons, Main Street will be closed during the trick-or-treating portion of the event. Parking decks and parking lots throughout downtown will still be open and parking will be easily accessible from side streets during the street closures. Drivers are invited to approach downtown from Liberty or Mason Streets and enjoy shopping and dining downtown as usual as all businesses will be open during their posted hours.
A list of the street closings is attached and you can find more information about the event at www.skeletonfestival.com