Bridgewater College is nearly 80 percent of the way toward its $40 million academic and capital-improvements campaign goal.
The school has raised $31.7 million in its Every Student, One Commitment campaign, it announced this week.
The campaign is raising monies to support endowed scholarships, academic enhancement, facilities improvements, laboratories, equipment and information technology and the Bridgewater Fund.
The majority of the money – $34 million – is earmarked for endowments, which provide permanent support and financial strength to the areas they target, and are a dependable source of revenue that enable the College to serve its students. Endowed scholarships will receive $11 million, while $10 million is earmarked for academic enhancement. Improvements to facilities will receive $10 million, and $3 million has been slated for laboratories, equipment and information technology.
“It’s important for donors to the campaign to know that Bridgewater College students are the ultimate beneficiaries,” said BC President Phillip C. Stone. “Our endowment enables students to attend BC who would otherwise not be able to do so, and allows us to respond proactively to the needs of new generations and the demands of an ever-changing society.”