Home Robert Hurt: We are here to serve you
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Robert Hurt: We are here to serve you



robert hurtWhile people often associate the work of Congress with debates on legislation, our office provides a variety of additional services of which you should be aware.  Our dedicated staff stands ready to assist you with any federal matter that you may encounter, and we hope you will not hesitate to contact us if we may be of service.

Listening to the views and priorities of Fifth District Virginians on legislative and policy matters is a critical part of my job as your representative, and I cannot be a voice for the best interests of the district without hearing from you.  We receive hundreds of calls, letters, emails, and other communications from constituents each week, and we respond to every single message as quickly as we can.  I hope you will continue to reach out to us with your views.  Your input is essential to informing the debates that take place in Congress, and I am grateful to represent so many engaged citizens.

Working with federal agencies and programs can be challenging, but our office can help you cut through federal red tape.  Whether it is helping secure your Social Security, Medicare, or Veterans’ benefits or helping get a passport or visa, staff in our Charlottesville and Danville offices can answer questions you may have and work with you to resolve the problems you encounter.  Our staff members also hold local office hours in every single locality throughout the district once each quarter. A schedule of upcoming local office hours can be found on our website.

We also love to see folks from the district who visit our office in Washington.  Our office is happy to help coordinate your visit to our nation’s capital, whether you are interested in touring the Capitol building, the White House, the monuments, or other points of interest.  The museums, memorials, and buildings in Washington belong to you, the American people, and we are here to help you make the most out of your trip as you explore the history these places have to offer.

As it pertains to our young people, we also have the honor of nominating candidates for admission to the United States Military Service Academies each year.  It is a great privilege to work with such outstanding young people who aspire to commit themselves to serving in our military.  On April 30th, our office will host a Spring Academy Day, in which high school and middle school students, their parents, teachers, and counselors are invited to learn more about the United States service academies and their admission process.  Though applications for nominations are not due until the fall, we encourage all of the interested students to begin preparing now.

We also take part in the Congressional Art Competition each year, which recognizes the artistic talents of high school students and the winner’s artwork is displayed in the Capitol for the following year for visitors from around the country to enjoy.  This year’s deadline— April 20th— is rapidly approaching, and we are looking forward to reviewing all of the entries.  As we have been each year in the past, there is no doubt we will be impressed by the talent and creativity of our youth in the Fifth District.

To learn more about any of the services listed above and other matters with which we can be of assistance, please visit our website, hurt.house.gov, which contains more information on these topics.  You may also call any of our offices to speak with someone who can assist you with these matters whether in Charlottesville (434-973-9631), Danville (434-791-2596), Farmville (434-395-0120), or Washington (202-225-4711).  We take our responsibility to serve all Fifth District Virginians very seriously, and we encourage you to be in touch with us if we can help in any way.

Robert Hurt represents the Fifth District of Virginia in Congress.



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