Congressman Robert Hurt (R-Virginia) released the following statement after voting in favor of the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, H.R. 1191, which would require congressional review of any final nuclear agreement with Iran before the President can waive or suspend sanctions previously imposed by Congress:
“The prospect of Iran attaining the capability to produce a nuclear weapon is one of the most grave threats we face as a nation, and it must be our policy to do everything within our power to prevent this from happening. Last month, the Obama Administration, and the nations of China, France, Germany, Russia, and the United Kingdom, reached a preliminary agreement with Iran relating to its nuclear program. Given its nuclear ambitions and history, I am skeptical that Iran will act in good faith and adhere to any of the terms of a deal.
“We must ensure that negotiations of such great magnitude are as transparent as possible and remain focused on our ultimate goal of eliminating the threat of a nuclear Iran. The legislation we passed today will ensure that the American people and their representatives in Congress are afforded the opportunity to meaningfully participate in this debate. I was proud to support this measure today and see it pass the House with strong bipartisan support, and it is my hope the President keeps his word and signs into law this critical piece of legislation. I remain committed to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to see that Iran is kept from gaining ground on their nuclear ambitions and that we continue to support our allies in the region, particularly Israel.”