Story by Chris Graham
[email protected]
Barack Obama is spending the day on Wednesday in Virginia, then is spending the night that night in Richmond, according to a report on the Washington Post Virginia Politics blog yesterday.
You could say that this is fueling speculation about the announcement that is expected to come on Wednesday or Thursday from the Obama campaign about who its choice for a vice-presidential running mate will be.
Obama aides told The New York Times for a report in its edition this morning not to read too much into the campaign schedule as to who the VP choice will be. The report listed Kaine among the three finalists for the selection, along with Delaware Sen. Joe Biden and Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh.
The Times story said an announcement could come as early as early Wednesday morning with e-mails and text messages to Obama supporters timed to attract interest and coverage on the morning news shows and take advantage of a full-day TV and print news cycle.
The Obama campaign schedule for tomorrow includes a town-hall meeting in Lynchburg that the Washington Post reported yesterday will be attended by U.S. Sen. Jim Webb. The AFP reported yesterday that Kaine was also scheduled to be on hand for a Lynchburg event with Obama.