Home Letter | Tony Hall
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Letter | Tony Hall

Roddy Scheer

Greetings from England, U.K.! I Googled your past article, “Earth Talk | Guitar heroes” (Feb. 27, 2009) in response to the question posed by Chris Wiedemann about “what the guitar industry is doing to ensure that the wood it uses is not destroying forests.”

It reminded me of a guitar and more amazing instruments my late father created eight decades ago from everyday throw away household items. He passed away in 1993 and I am the custodian of his remarkable collection. If my father were around today I guess he would be very proud of the comments below I emailed to the Music Wood Coalition after seeing this perfect match with my father and his work on their website. They said, “”Greenpeace proves everyday that ordinary people can accomplish extraordinary things.”

* My wood is good wood!

* My wood is so beautiful it “strikes” the right note with adults and children around the world, who find the instruments exciting and inspiring when they see and hear them being played!

* My wood proves you don’t need to use exotic endangered tree species for musical instruments to play well and to sound good!

* My wood helps raise awareness for a sustainable environment!

* My wood will amaze you with the sum of its parts when you interact with the pieces of the guitar, violin and bow, mandolin, banjo, ukulele—And, much more!

* My wood did not let down the Rhinestone Cowboy himself, Gen Campbell who publicly played and praised (Ripley’s Believe It or Not!) the recycled acoustic guitar, saying, “Its a work of art and as good as any instrument I”ve played from this era.”

* My wood has been praised by Lord Yehudi Menuhin who declared, “It is a quite wonderful violin and bow.”

* My wood is in the book of Guinness World Records, 2003 Edition!

I hope you think this is worthy of bringing to your attention. If I have aroused your curiosity to learn more there is an article here http://tinyurl.com/cm25ft and a link on the web page to the instruments being played and praised on YouTube.

All the best from across the Atlantic!


– Letter from Tony Hall

Roddy Scheer

Roddy Scheer

EarthTalk® is produced by Roddy Scheer & Doug Moss for the 501(c)3 nonprofit EarthTalk. Send questions to [email protected].