Jennifer Carroll Foy’s campaign launched its latest TV ad in the Democratic gubernatorial primary, “Petersburg,” highlighting Carroll Foy’s career fighting for those who cannot fight for themselves, and her commitment to moving Virginia out of the failed status quo.
In the ad, she describes how if a girl from Petersburg can become one of the first women to graduate from the Virginia Military Institute, and become a delegate who expanded Medicaid to more than 500,000 Virginians and made serious reforms to the broken criminal justice system, “anything is possible.”
She describes why she has fought her entire life to help others “beat the odds” as she did, her commitment to lifting up “every last one of us,” because Virginians deserve “better than the status quo.”
Throughout her campaign, Carroll Foy has emphasized how Virginians deserve a governor who has walked in their shoes, lived their struggles, and is committed to shaking up the broken status quo that has left too many behind. Carroll Foy has announced comprehensive plans building on her experience as Delegate to make healthcare more affordable and accessible, create diverse, high-paying jobs in every corner of the Commonwealth, reform the broken criminal justice system, and more.
“Petersburg” begins airing today in the Richmond and Norfolk media markets, joining the campaign’s previous ads “My Grandmother,” and “Shoes.”