Hearing Healthcare of Virginia, which has served the Shenandoah Valley and Central Virginia and their surrounding communities for more than 10 years, is now offering CaptionCall.
What is CaptionCall? The CaptionCall Captioned phone features a large, easy to read screen that displays written captions of what callers say to reinforce their hearing. The CaptionCall phone is also an amplified phone.
Who benefits from the CaptionCall captioned telephone? CaptionCall is a captioned telephone designed to help individuals struggling with hearing loss use the phone again with confidence.
What are the requirements for CaptionCall? Individuals using the captioned telephone must have hearing loss and have difficulty communicating by phone. A land line phone line and high speed internet connection are required for the CaptionCall phone to work.
Contact Hearing Healthcare of Virginia today for more information.
(888) 512-1164