American Values Network has launched a local pastor thank-you campaign thanking Members of Congress who voted in favor of the House climate bill. The campaign is a continuation of American Value Network’s half a million-dollar media campaign built upon faith and military leaders coming together to highlight the moral and national security implications of climate change.
The first of the new ads, “A Spirit of Power,” will run at heavy saturation rates throughout Central Virginia on Christian, country, and talk radio. In the ad, local pastor Rev. Neal Halvorson-Taylor thanks Congressman Tom Perriello for his vote and leadership on the climate bill and for being a leader who is willing to do what is right and best for the district even in the face of big-money opposition.
“These ads are running run only days after new revelations that lobbyists hired by the ‘American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity’ sent fraudulent letters to Congressman Perriello, and others, purportedly from senior centers, the NAACP and Hispanic groups asking him to vote against the climate bill,” stated Eric Sapp, Executive Director of American Values Network. “We need honest, strong leadership, like Congressman Perriello, putting the interests of people first in Washington. The narrow special interests will do anything to keep the status quo. Perriello is standing up to them.”
The ad will run in every media market in the Fifth District.
Script: “This is Rev. Neal Halvorson-Taylor. The Apostle Paul teaches that we should not have a spirit of timidity but of strength and love. Yet today, many leaders abandon this Biblical teaching to follow the wide and easy path. But our Congressman Tom Perriello is made of stronger stuff.
Tom knew the big energy companies were spending millions of dollars attacking those who voted for the landmark climate bill. But he also knew the bill would be good for Virginia and America. The climate bill will create good American jobs in our district, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and protect God’s creation for our children.
Tom voted for what was right. Political party doesn’t matter. When we face big challenges, it’s safer to do nothing and easier to play on people’s fears. But what we need are leaders who demonstrate a spirit of power and do what is right. I know Tom and Tom Perriello is that kind of leader. Paid for by”