Friends of Augusta has endorsed Democratic Party nominee Ellen Arthur for the 24th District House of Delegates.
Friends of Augusta is a local pipeline opposition group formed after hearing about the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline, which would take fracked gas from West Virginia across Virginia into North Carolina.
Arthur, who is challenging Republican incumbent Ben Cline in the 24th, has been an opponent of the pipeline since the beginning. Arthur has been vocal in her advocacy for landowner rights and the abuse of eminent domain for the benefit of a for-profit company.
“I will not ever vote for anything that is going to be destructive to the environment, there’s no higher principle for me than that,” Arthur said at a recent Hands Across Our Land event.
“It’s time to divest ourselves of fossil fuels. They’re dirty. They’re dirty in the extraction, they’re dirty when they spill and they’re dirty when they’re burned,” said Arthur, who has expressed deep concern for Dominion’s “cozy relationship” with our elected officials and is running to put an end to “business as usual” where the public, the citizens suffer while companies make huge profits.