Home A friendly competition at Bethany Lutheran: Who will win?
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A friendly competition at Bethany Lutheran: Who will win?


bethany lutheranWho will win: Bethany Lutheran Church or Bethany Early Childhood Education Center?  At the beginning of February, Bethany Early Childhood Education Center challenged Bethany Lutheran Church to see who could fill the most baby bottles with loose change.  As February comes to a close, the race is close, but it appear that Bethany Lutheran Church will win, as they are in the lead by 4 bottles.

The children at Bethany Early Childhood Education Center were encouraged to bring in loose change from home so that Baby Bottles located in their classrooms could be filled.  Every morning children would arrive at school carrying baggies full of pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. They became very excited when a bottle was filled and their class was able to place another full bottle on the Baby Bottle Chart, which tracks the progress.  During class time, teacher’s held discussions about how their change can change the lives of children in our community.  This has made a great impact on the children here at Bethany Early Childhood Education Center.  In fact, on the 100th day of school when a Pre-K student was asked what they would do if they had $100, her response was, “I would fill a baby bottle to help babies.”

The bottles that are being filled with loose change will be donated to the local ComfortCare Women’s Health Organization.  According to ComfortCare, “every dollar that you give, 84 cents goes directly to patient services.”

Bethany Lutheran Church and Early Childhood Education Center’s mission in the community is to “Share the Love and Life of Jesus Christ with all.” We offer many services to the community including a Christian School and Childcare for families with children ages 2 years old through Kindergarten.  For more information about Bethany’s services, please visit their website at www.bethanylcw.org



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