We’ve heard it all before! Most of the presidential candidates promise us “We’re going to reform taxes!” Some flat-tax enthusiasts even promise us “I’m going to get rid of the IRS!”
Both promises will never happen. If you “reform” the current income tax plan with a flat tax-like-plan, you end up with just a modified version of the income tax plan we have now. If you get rid of the IRS with a flat tax-like-plan, somebody still has to collect the taxes … would that be another IRS?
Certainly the IRS forces would be reduced somewhat with a flat tax-like-plan, but those pesky little rascals would still be out there doing their ominous IRS things.
If you want true tax reform, don’t think “tax reform” think “tax-plan replacement”.
Replacement will only become a reality when a national consumption tax – such as the fair tax is – implemented.
– Letter from Joe O’Hara/Ocala, Fla.