The faculty and staff of Eastern Mennonite University honored one colleague who is retiring and cited 55 others for long years of service at the school’s annual recognition dinner Tuesday evening, April 28.
Lawrence M. Yoder, John S. Coffman professor of missiology at Eastern Mennonite Seminary, will retire at the close of this academic year after 26 years on the faculty. The EMU board of trustees has awarded Dr. Yoder “professor emeritus” status.
Before joining the seminary faculty in 1983, Yoder spent nine years teaching church history and Anabaptist studies at Wiyata Wacana Mennonite Seminary in Pati, Indonesia, where he also served one year as rector (president/dean). He also served four-and-a-half years in Indonesia as country administrator for Mennonite Central Committee and two years as researcher and writer for the histories of the Muria Javanese Church (GITJ) and the Muria Mennonite Church (GKMI) in both Indonesian and English languages.
While serving at EMS, Yoder has continued his involvement in Indonesia through teaching, writing, peacebuilding and consulting assignments.
Yoder received an EMU captain’s chair, a plaque and tributes from his colleagues during the ceremonies.
Dr. Marie S. Morris was recognized for 22 years of service to EMU, the past nine as vice president and undergraduate academic dean. She is leaving to accept a position as vice president of academic affairs and dean at Anderson (Ind.) University.
Dr. Vernon Jantzi, professor emeritus of sociology, has been named to an interim assignment for the 2009-10 academic year while a search process is under way for Dr. Morris’ successor.
Twenty-five year service awards were presented to James R. (Jim) Engle, professor of Old Testament at the seminary, and to Ronald L. Stoltzfus, professor of business and economics.
Receiving 20-year service awards were: Linda L. Alley, administrative assistant and director of Congregational Resource Center at EMS; Spencer L. Cowles, professor and department chair in the business and economics department; Barbara P. Fast, professor of visual & communication arts; Loretta K. Helmuth, secretary/receptionist, physical plant; Sharon M. Miller, assistant professor of music and Preparatory Music department director; N. Gerald Shenk, professor of church and society, EMS; and Jennifer M. Ulrich, technical services librarian, Hartzler Library.
Fifteen-year service awards went to: Karen R. Moshier-Shenk, associate director of development; Amy K. Springer, assistant undergraduate dean and coordinator of student success; Joanna S. Swartley, administrative assistant to the Seminary dean; Terry L. Whitmore, Adult Degree Completion Program instructor; and Donnita Williams, clerk/courier, EMU post office. Ten years: Kevin A. Clark, assistant professor and Seminary campus minister; Donald R. Clymer, assistant professor of Spanish; Charles D. Cooley, associate professor of computer science; Douglas S. Graber-Neufeld, professor and department chair, biology and chemistry departments; Jerry L. Holsopple, professor of visual & communication arts; Margaret A. (Margo) McIntire, assessment counselor, Adult Degree Completion Program; R. Michael Medley, director, Intensive English Program; John H. (Jack) Rutt, director, Information Systems; Kimberly D. (Kim) Schmidt, professor and director, Washington (DC) Community Scholars Center; Dierdre L. Smeltzer, professor and department chair, mathematical sciences department; Donna W. Souder, event and program coordinator, alumni/parent relations department; Ervin R. Stutzman, vice president and Seminary dean; Julie H. Tieszen, payroll coordinator, business office; Donald L. Tyson, associate professor of nursing; Heidi Miller Yoder, assistant professor of Bible and religion; and James M. (Jim) Yoder, professor of biology.
Five years: Elaine Zook Barge, program director, STAR (Seminars on Trauma Awareness & Resilience) program; Marian J. Bauman, administrative suite receptionist and office coordinator, president’s office; Leah Boyer, associate professor of physics; David R. Brubaker, associate professor, Center for Justice & Peacebuilding; Pamela D. Comer, director, counseling services; Marcy J. Engle, director, human resources; Meredith A. Garber, assistant director of undergraduate admissions; Marcy L. Gineris, web content editor, marketing and communications department; Jeremy T. Good, network systems manager, information systems; Tracy L. Hough, assistant professor of teacher education; Janine R. (Jan) Kauffman, director, housing & residence life; Tara L. Kishbaugh, associate professor of chemistry; Gloria S. Kniss, administrative assistant, MA in education/ Lancaster campus.
Also five years: Judith A. (Judy) Leaman, manager, Shenandoah Valley Children’s Choir; Lori H. Leaman, associate professor of teacher education; Yvonne J. Martin, office assistant, MA in education/Harrisonburg program; Douglas J. Nyce, director of alumni/parent relations; Gregory G. Sachs, network administrator, information systems; Stephanie C. Shafer, director of undergraduate admissions; Lois R. Shank, assistant to the provost; Rachel A. Smith, assistant to the registrar; Douglas A. (Doug) Wandersee, assistant director of student programs; Daniel W. Wessner, professor of international studies and political studies; and Kimberly A. Yoder, custodian, physical plant.
Mennonite Central Committee language assistants Graciela Alba of Bolivia and Violeta Castro of Nicaragua were also recognized during the ceremonies.
– Story by Jim Bishop