Good news on the local employment front – unemployment rates in the five localities in the Augusta and Rockingham areas were down in July.
More good news at the state level – Virginia saw its unemployment rate dip from 7.3 percent in June to 6.9 percent in July, according to data released by the Virginia Employment Commission on Tuesday.
Locally …
– Augusta was at 6.3 percent in July, down from 6.9 percent in June.
– Staunton was at 7.2 percent in July, down from 7.5 percent in June.
– Waynesboro was at 8.7 percent in July, down from 9.0 percent in June. Waynesboro had a 10.3 percent unemployment rate as recently as March.
– Rockingham was at 5.7 percent in July, down from 6.4 percent in June.
– Harrisonburg was at 7.3 percent in July, down from 8.0 percent in June.