Traditionally, one would not associate education with business directly, but that time is long gone now. Today, education is an industry in every sense of the word, and it is one of the biggest industries operating in the United States, with a total value reaching thousands of billions in USD.
Technology, on the other hand, has expanded the exposure of education, making it more accessible than ever before, but the profits made from online education remain the chief motivator for most online courses, as offered by the various institutes.
These facts bring us to multiple questions such as, where does the teacher stand in the present scenario? Are business and education synonymous terms to a teacher? Are the industrialization and technical adaptation of education really something that we should look upon negatively? Let’s try and answer some of those questions with a factual and practical discussion next.
Teachers have the Opportunity to Earn More, Which they Should
Teachers have better income opportunities due to the development of the education sector as a business, which is definitely something they deserve, just like any other professional does.
Being an ambitious teacher with expectations of a high income should have no plausible reason to be looked upon negatively, as it is their professional right to expect it, and also to work towards building an environment that facilitates it.
The Role of the Teacher Has Not Changed
It is to be understood that while the industrialization of education has made some significant changes regarding how the whole system works nowadays, the role of the teacher has not changed much at all. If anything, teachers are expected to take on more complex responsibilities than before, while handling subjects that are constantly evolving in this age of technology.
Teachers are still meant to do today what they were always meant to; that is, impart education, training, and their own wisdom on to the students, to the best of their abilities. Providing guidance and learning are the two main roles that a teacher in any subject serves to his/her students, which the business aspect of the education system should not have any impact on. On the other hand, incentivization is a reliable method to inspire anyone, and the promise of a prosperous career can only encourage more people to take up teaching as a profession.
Technology has Changed Every Teacher for the Better
Technology has indeed impacted most teachers in the modern education system and its effects have been nothing short of profoundly positive. For example, the How We Learn Course for Teachers is now available online via Fresno Pacific University, which is designed solely to turn present teachers into better ones by teaching them the very core and practical concepts of human learning itself. It is, of course, just one prominent example of how many ways there are for the teaching staff to learn more, augment their knowledge and improve their techniques so that they can become better at their jobs.
The conclusion is that both business and technology has created infinite opportunities to learn new concepts, master old ones and specialize without going bankrupt in the process, for both teachers and students.