The silence may be deadly. Every 74 minutes an older or disabled adult is abused, neglected or exploited financially.
“Elder” has lost its meaning. No longer does it mean wisdom. No longer does it earn respect.
Every two hours an older or disabled adult is neglected by her caregiver, or fails to provide himself with the necessities of life.
Staying silent about adult abuse, neglect or exploitation may lead to loss of one’s income, home, or in severe cases, the loss of life.
Learn more about the signs and causes of elder abuse from speakers on the front line. Learn more about what to do if you suspect adult abuse is happening to someone you know or love. Do more to protect yourself and loved ones from financial exploitation.
Do more to break the silence and stop adult abuse. Attend the “Learn More, Do More Mini-conference for Elder Justice;” 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Wednesday, June 15 at the Staunton Senior Center and in association with the Greater Augusta Coalition Against Adult Abuse.