A public hearing on the city real-estate tax rate and a discussion of green initiatives highlight Monday night’s Waynesboro City Council meeting.
The public hearing will give citizens the chance to offer input on the city’s real-estate tax rate for 2009-2010. The rate is currently at 70 cents per $100 assessed value. A coalition including progressives Nancy Dowdy and Lorie Smith and conservative Tim Williams has expressed support for the continuation of the 70-cent rate. Libertarian conservative Frank Lucente and Bruce Allen have talked up a 67-cent rate that would require an additional $600,000 in cuts to the $750,000 already being cut out of the proposed budget for ’09-’10.
The matter involving green initiatives will be led by Lucente and Smith and will focus specifically on the Virginia Municipal League’s Go Green Challenge.
The meeting begins at 7 p.m. and will be held in the Council Chambers at the Charles T. Yancey Municipal Building at 503 W. Main St. Comcast Cable subscribers can watch the meeting live on TV on Channel 14.
– Story by Chris Graham