Being a student is one of the most exciting times of your life. You’re meeting people from all new walks of life, making new friends and making big plans together. You’re at the perfect age to get out there and see the world, but just how are you going to be able to afford to on a student budget? Well, you’ll be pleased to know that there are a number of ways to combine the student life with travel.
Work at an American summer camp
Many universities collaborate with companies such as CCUSA and Camp America to give their students the opportunity to spend their summer working at a camp in the States. Depending on your skills, experience or what you’d like to teach, you’ll be assigned a summer camp where you’ll work for a couple of months or so. The working visa then allows you 30 days to leave the country once you’ve finished camp and you can use this time and the money you earned to travel all over.
Keep your feet on solid ground
Flying can get expensive. Purchasing an Interrail pass, however, is an affordable and great way to see Europe. Its speed and convenience mean that you can use it over the summer between term times, but you’ll still be able to cram so much into the experience. Passes range from around £40 for one country to just over £160 for multiple countries and there are often discounts available online too. Alternatively, for more flexibility, why not hire a car?
Study abroad
One of the most obvious ways to combine student life with a love of travelling is to spend time studying abroad. You could either look to do your whole degree in a different country or investigate the possibility of doing sandwich courses at universities in the UK, which allow you to work or study abroad for one year in between your course.
Cultural exchange
Programmes such as Study China or Study India allow a limited number of students to be funded to take part in a three-week cultural exchange. Often your university will cover the cost of your flights, visas and vaccinations and you’ll get to fully immerse yourself into the culture and way of life of a totally different country.
Teach English as a foreign language
If you can scrape together the money to do a TEFL course, you’ll be able to make back the cost and then some once you’re qualified. You’d then have the option to teach abroad and earn while you travel, or teach in the UK and save up in order to fund your future travels. Teaching English as a foreign language isn’t just a way to earn money; it’s rewarding and teaches you about different cultures too.
Become a tour guide
Similar to working at a summer camp, getting a job as a tour guide could be a great way to fill your summer with adventure. You’ll need to have tip-top knowledge of one particular destination in order to be hired as a guide, whether it’s a hot and sunny beach resort or a bustling city break location. Do your research on different tour companies or see if there are any holiday companies that will allow you to be a rep while you’re done with uni for the summer.
Get a term-time job
If none of the above ideas sound right for you, then you’ve always got the option to go down the traditional route. Get yourself a part-time job while you’re at uni and save, save, save. As long as it doesn’t affect your studies, then there’s nothing wrong with busying yourself with a job on the side. You’ll be able to earn money and save at the same time, as you won’t be out drinking every night of the week, right? Then, once your travel funds have built up, you’re free to go and explore the world in your time off.
Don’t let being on a budget stop you from seeing the world. There are plenty of ways you can make it work.