Together Cville and event co-sponsors announced the upcoming Charlottesville People’s Summit – June 10, 1-9 p.m. at The Haven, 112 W. Market St, Charlottesville.
The Charlottesville People’s Summit is free and open to the public.
“We live in a time of tremendous turmoil, and also a time of opportunity for a bold progressive vision,” said Together Cville Steering Committee member Nathan Moore. “We invite anyone interested in being part of a broad progressive movement to participate in a local convening of organizations and individuals committed to social, racial, and economic justice.”
The free, public event will continue to build the progressive movement locally and beyond. The program will feature speakers Tom Perriello (in person), Bernie Sanders (via live video stream), local activists and progressive leaders, and more. The event will also feature panels and breakout discussions to develop concrete steps for further progressive movement building.
“Virginia is where it’s at. All eyes around the nation are looking at our elections this year. Virginia was the only southern state to vote Democratic in the last presidential election, and this is a huge moment to build a progressive movement to go forward. There are tons of grassroots organizations that have sprung up in the last half-year and tremendous energy behind them leading into this summit,” said Mieke Zylstra, founding member of Equality and Progress in Charlottesville (EPIC).
This event coincides with the national People’s Summit taking place in Chicago, and the Charlottesville People’s Summit is very much connected to the values and goals of the national summit. The local summit seeks to bring together activists committed to an agenda that enhances and expands issue campaigns and holds all elected officials accountable to demands for justice, equality and freedom.
The Charlottesville People’s Summit is sponsored by: Together Cville, EPIC, Indivisible Charlottesville, Charlottesville Democratic Socialists of America, Charlottesville Center for Peace and Justice, Showing Up For Racial Justice – Charlottesville, BeCville, Cville Comm-UNI-ty, HeARTful Action, and Clergy and Laity United for Justice and Peace.
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