Presentation: Starting a Business as an Immigrant
Tuesday, Feb 12; 12:30-1:45 pm; P104
Spectrum Club is sponsoring a presentation by Jalal Maqableh to inform refugees and immigrants about starting new business ventures in America. Maqableh holds a Master’s degree in Peace Building from EMU, and is pursuing a Ph.D. in Business at JMU.
Contact: Claudia Etchebarne Hernandez; [email protected]; 453-2349
Black History Month Event: Nazu African Dancers & Drummers
Wednesday, Feb 13; 12:30 pm; FAC Theater, V135
Sponsored by Cultural Affairs, Student Government Association, Student Activities, and Student Ambassadors. Free and open to the public.
Contact: Mary Kier Smith; [email protected]; 453-2350
Brown Bag Travel Lecture: Yosemite
Friday, Feb 15; 11:30 am-12:30 pm; G279
Lisa Kara, Lynne Ryan and friends present “Adventures In and Around Yosemite.” Sponsored by Cultural Affairs. Free and open to the public.
Contact: Emma Phillips; [email protected]; 453-2388
Fine Arts Center Exhibit: Terry Ward & Mia LaBerge
Through Feb 19; V121
Exhibit “Improvisations” runs through Feb 19. Gallery hours: Mon-Fri, 9 am-4:30 pm.
Contact: Jennifer Whitmore; [email protected]; 453-2380
Demonstration Kitchen: Feeding Yourself on the Run… Nutrition Tips to Feed Your Brain
Wednesday, Feb 20; 12:30-1:30 pm; Recreation Center Group Fitness Room
Learn healthy meal prep and nutrition secrets from representatives of the Allegheny Mountain Institute.
Contact: Donna Miller; [email protected]; 453-0247
Fine Arts Center Exhibit: Cub Creek Foundation–The Artists of Cub Creek
Tuesday, Feb 26, 3 pm, Theater V135 (Artist lecture); 4 pm (reception in Gallery V121)
Exhibit runs Feb 22-Apr 5. Gallery hours: Mon-Fri, 9 am-4:30 pm.
Contact: Jennifer Whitmore; [email protected]; 453-2380