Congressman Don Beyer (D-VA-08) celebrated the adoption of H.R. 2225, the National Science Foundation for the Future Act, and H.R. 3593, the Department of Energy Science for the Future Act, both of which passed in the House of Representatives Monday with broad bipartisan support.
“This legislation will support continued leadership and achievement in American scientific innovation for years to come,” said Beyer, a senior member of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology,. “I am thrilled that the NSF legislation also included my National Secure Data Service Act, which would put us on a path towards a secure, consolidated national data infrastructure. The House also passed legislation boosting research at the Energy Department’s Office of Science, which included my amendment to adopt recommendations from the National Academies of Science report ‘Bringing Fusion to the U.S. Grid.’
“These bills will benefit both my district, which is home to the National Science Foundation and numerous scientists at the Department of Energy, and the entire country, by maintaining our position as an international leader in research and development,” Beyer said.
Beyer has served on the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology since taking office in 2015. He is the founder of the bipartisan Fusion Energy Caucus and the sponsor of the National Secure Data Service Act.