The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors has revised their monthly meeting schedule to increase accessibility and to provide more frequent and convenient opportunities for engagement by citizens.
- The Board has adjusted the start time of the first meeting of each month (always on the first Wednesday of the month) from the current start time of 9 am to now begin at 1 pm. The public can provide comments at the start of the meeting at 1 pm and again at 7pm.
- The Board has added a regular work session at 5pm on the Tuesday before the second monthly meeting (always on the second Wednesday of the month) to continue their work on updating the Comprehensive Plan. There will be a public comment period at 5 pm and again at 7 pm for those work sessions, which will be held until work on the Comprehensive Plan is completed.
- The third meeting of each month, held on the second Wednesday, will begin at 4:00 pm for work sessions as necessary, with the regular meeting beginning at 6 pm with an opportunity for public comment at that time.
The new changes will take effect beginning in September, meaning that the September meeting schedule will look as follows:
- September 3, 2014, 1:00 pm meeting begins
- September 9, 2014, 5:00 pm Comp Plan work session begins
- September 10, 2014, 4:00 pm (work session, if necessary); 6:00 pm meeting begins
Agendas for Board meetings are available three days prior to each meeting at
The schedule revision will provide increased opportunities for citizen involvement by moving more of the meetings to after regular work hours and by providing additional public comment periods.