Our team can’t imagine a science fiction story without artificial intelligence in one form or another. In these stories, AI plays different roles: from friendly helpers to monstrous killing machines that want to destroy humanity.
In this article, we want to take a brief look into the pros and cons of artificial intelligence. After reading this piece, you will have a better idea of whether you want to give your money to an artificial intelligence agency.
Advantages of Artificial Intelligence
1. Robots don’t make mistakes
The majority of the people are awful decision-makers. Humans are biased, unprofessional, and short-sighted. Machines make decisions backed up with unbiased analysis of the previous data.
This advantage is essential for business organizations. They are using AI to conduct essential interactions with their users, saving a vast amount of time.
2. Day-to-day chores become faster
We can’t imagine our everyday life without Google Assistant helping us to search for different things using voice commands, or without GPS navigation to guide us through the world. AI takes care of many routine things, letting us focus on what we find more important.
3. AI is tougher than humans
Humans are somewhat fragile. We get ill, hurt, emotionally broken, and tired. AI doesn’t have any of these disadvantages. You only need the right tech and several professional programmers to look after the machines while they are doing hazardous jobs.
4. A robot can’t get bored
Robots have already reshaped the look of the heavy industries in first world countries. Companies in the United States, Western Europe, and Japan are replacing human workers with robotics. You can program a robot to perform specific monotonous tasks 24/7.
Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence
In the previous section, we painted this excellent picture of AI that will help solve many human problems. However, there are some downsides to artificial intelligence.
1. High cost
Every single high technology is relatively expensive, and AI is no exception to this rule. The implementation of AI in the manufacturing process will require you to invest an enormous amount of resources. Besides that, you will need to constantly update the software to meet the needs of the fast-changing industry.
2. Modern AI is not that smart
Humanity has come a long way towards the bright technological future we’ve seen in sci-fi. However, we still need to work hard to achieve it. Modern AI is only able to replicate the things that the coders have put into it. There is no independent decision-making. The modern machine will break down if confronted with a problem that is not encoded into it. However, you can ask your artificial intelligence agency to implement machine learning into your solution.
3. No improvement with experience
Humans tend to become better workers with experience. However, modern AI (without machine learning) doesn’t improve in efficiency over time. On the contrary: as time passes, the machine will likely break down and will need repair.
You will need to ask the artificial intelligence agency to give you information about the longevity of its products and whether they offer the machine learning option. Otherwise there are risks of losing a lot of money.
4. Humans lose their jobs
Many people that are working in low-skilled jobs are losing their jobs due to automation. The rise in unemployment will cause social issues that can lead to full-blown riots.
With time, automation will only become more widespread all over the world. Hence, the governments need to provide affordable education for low-skilled workers. It is far more profitable to invest some cash into creating more opportunities for your citizens instead of dispersing riots.
There always will be demand for the “hand made” products, or products with “the human touch.” However, the history of civilization proves that the world acknowledges the most effective means of production. The modern AI is still relatively underdeveloped and expensive. With the development of the technologies, the price will go lower, and the efficiency will skyrocket.
Invest in the future. Check out the services of our artificial intelligence agency and contact us to discuss your solution.
Story by Aleks Souschuk