Celebrities and famous people have a significant influence on people from all walks of life. Teachers look up to famous philosophers, and tech lovers look up to those who have made it big with their tech ideas. There is no doubt that famous people influence the minds of common people. If some celebrity makes a point about loving or hating something, millions of people start having the same views as them and support their point of view. In the same way, if you love everything about tech, you will start loving bitcoin, even more, when you learn what internet tycoons love about bitcoin.
Eric Schmidt, Former CEO of Google
Google is now synonymous with the internet. Many people now say, “Google it” instead of saying, “look it up on the internet.” Tens of google services are used by almost every person in the world who uses the internet. In the same way, bitcoin is on its way to becoming the world’s most powerful assets. You have to join the Bitcoin Evolution to get the most astounding profits. Eric Schmidt knows how important it is for people to know the importance of bitcoin. This is what he said about bitcoin:
“Bitcoin is a remarkable cryptographic achievement, and the ability to create something that is not duplicable in the digital world has enormous value.”
According to the former CEO of Google, bitcoin is outstanding because it is not duplicable, making it one of the most powerful tech innovations in the world.
Sir Richard Branson, Founder of Virgin Records
Music, something we can’t live without. Since antiquity to this day, almost every person on earth listens to music daily. However, the day is not far when bitcoin will become the only powerful money for every person on earth. But, before that day comes, some hugely famous people in the world are seeing bitcoin as the ultimate power in the coming future. It is time for you to learn more about bitcoin!
One of the avid bitcoin supporters is Sir Richard Branson. We all love the artists signed to his label, but what he said about bitcoin is great to hear for all bitcoin lovers:
“Virgin Galactic is a bold entrepreneurial technology. It’s driving a revolution and Bitcoin is doing just the same when it comes to inventing a new currency.”
See? All the greats are ready to welcome bitcoin as the ultimate currency.
David Marcus, CEO of Paypal
Paypal, who does not know about it? Internet money transactions are insanely easy due to this one service. Their service is secure, and it takes almost no time to send or receive money with this service. However, do you know that the CEO of PayPal is a huge fan of bitcoin? Read what he has to say about bitcoin:
“I really like bitcoin. I own bitcoins. It’s a store of value, a distributed ledger. It’s a great place to put assets, especially in places like Argentina, with 40 percent inflation, where $1 today is worth 60 cents in a year, and a government’s currency does not hold value. It’s also a good investment vehicle if you have an appetite for risk. But it won’t be a currency until volatility slows down.”
Woah, bitcoin is even predicted to be the ultimate solution to financial problems of the upcoming days. No one knows about its true potential.
Julian Assange, Founder of Wikileaks
Truth should be accessible to everyone. No government or authority has the right to stop people from learning the reality of their inner workings. Wikileaks proved to be the ultimate source for common people to know the reality of worldly events. Read what the founder of Wikileaks has to say about bitcoin:
“Bitcoin actually has the balance and incentives right, and that is why it is starting to take off.”
His opinion proves that bitcoin will make powerful people accountable in front of the common people, and bitcoin will take off in the future for sure.
John McAfee, Founder of McAfee
Staying safe from hackers is very important while using the internet. However, using McAfee allows everyone to avoid any phony trick of scammers and hackers. In his words:
“You can’t stop things like bitcoin. It will be everywhere, and the world will have to readjust. World governments will have to readjust.”
Read what he has to say. He is predicting that the future of the world is going to be reshaped by bitcoin. Isn’t it simply wonderful for everyone in the world? It is!
Story by Noman Bhutta