When it comes to preparing for any kind of court trial, mock-trials are some of the best ways that lawyers and their clients can prepare for the process to come.
While it may seem as though a mock trial is a waste of time because it has no actual impact on the true court trial, that assessment could not be further from the truth.
If you are curious about what a mock trial can be so impactful and is truly one of the best pre-trial tactics, then you’ve come to the right place. Let’s get started.
See how the story of your case resonates
Any good lawyer – whether they are with the defendant or the prosecution – knows that a really important part of getting a good outcome in any case is building a story. The lawyer needs the jury to feel for his or her client and start to see the circumstances around the case from their point of view.
Developing and presenting this story in a mock-trial atmosphere will give the entire team involved a really good idea of whether or not the story is working, as well as how to improve the story and case leading up to the actual trial day.
See the entire case from a 360 point of view
Another fantastic facet of going through a mock trial as a part of your pre-trial tactics is that the mock trial allows everyone involved to see the case from the opposition’s point of view. This can be an incredibly effective exercise when it comes to figuring out how they might approach the case, what kinds of evidence and facts related to the case they are going to highlight, and how they might attack any witnesses in an attempt to discredit or otherwise impact your story and the case overall.
See other strengths and weaknesses
When you are working with the case in this active way, it is very possible that you and your team will start to uncover other strengths and/or weaknesses of your case that had not occurred to anyone before getting started on the mock trial. Seeing the case in this new and more involved way is going to help you fill any holes in your case and give the client in question the best case of getting the outcome that is desired once you actually get the court.
Though it may seem like a pre-trial mock trial could be a waste of crucial resources and energy, there is absolutely no doubt that it is one of the best and most effective ways to prepare for the trial as the trial date appears.
Getting the desired outcome in a case can be a life-changing moment. For clients and their attorneys, it is crucial that they do everything in their power to make sure that the desired outcome is achieved by the end of the trial. This is one of the best ways to make that goal a reality.