Reps. Don Beyer (D-VA), Barbara Lee (D-CA), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-NJ), Bill Pascrell Jr. (D-NJ), Norma J. Torres (D-CA), Bill Foster (D-IL), and Chellie Pingree (D-ME) today led a group of 107 members of Congress in demanding that the White House fire Senior Advisor to the President Stephen Miller.
Their letter quoted from emails Miller wrote, which were recently published by the Southern Poverty Law Center. They connected the white nationalist sentiments expressed in those emails to discriminatory Trump Administration policy proposals initiated or influenced by Miller.
They wrote:
“We formally request that you immediately remove White House Senior Advisor Stephen Miller from your administration. A documented white nationalist has no place in any presidential administration, and especially not in such an influential position.
“Last week, numerous emails sent by Mr. Miller were made public that clearly establish that he is an avid white nationalist and conspiracy theorist. These emails included material exposing Miller’s support of white supremacist ideology and literature, xenophobic conspiracy theories, as well as his promotion of white supremacist websites.
“Beyond the disturbing emails that Mr. Miller wrote, is the clear conclusion that he brought his dedication to white nationalism with him into your administration and translated this hateful ideology directly into your administration’s discriminatory immigration policies.
“Miller’s emails and the sentiments expressed in them are incompatible with public service and render him unfit to shape any policy – immigration or otherwise. We refuse to tolerate white nationalism and xenophobia in the White House or elsewhere in the United States. Mr. Miller must be fired immediately.”
Text of the letter follows below, and a signed copy is available here.