Story by Chris Graham
[email protected]
League of Women Voters president Mary Wilson is urging John McCain and Barack Obama to move ahead with Friday’s scheduled presidential debate.
“We applaud Senators Obama and McCain, as well as the Administration and Congress, for their sincere efforts to arrive at an agreement that will simultaneously help our financial institutions regain solid ground and bring relief to the millions of Americans who are at risk of losing their homes and jobs,” Wilson said. “However, in doing so, the candidates must also make good on their pledge to speak openly and candidly with American voters. The best way to do that is to move ahead as scheduled with tomorrow’s presidential debate,” Wilson said.
McCain has not yet backed down from what he said yesterday regarding his intention to skip the debate if a deal on the controversial $700 billion Wall Street bailout proposed by the Bush administration has not been worked out ahead of time.
Obama, for his part, reaffirmed today that he plans to proceed with the debate as scheduled. “Our election is in 40 days. Our economy is in crisis, and our nation is fighting two wars abroad. The American people deserve to hear directly from myself and Senator McCain about how we intend to lead our country. The times are too serious to put our campaign on hold, or to ignore the full range of issues that the next president will face,” Obama said this morning.