Waynesboro is on tap to receive a $684,000 Community Development Block Grant to go toward a rehabilitation project in the floodprone Arch Avenue/Market Street neighborhood. The grant was announced today by Gov. Tim Kaine in conjunction with more than $14 million in Community Development Block Grants awarded statewide.
“These community improvement projects address a number of critical issues throughout the Commonwealth,” said Gov. Kaine. “While a majority of these awards go toward creating safe and affordable housing and water for Virginians, there is also important funding for broadband, and economic and downtown revitalization efforts that will help our communities grow and improve the quality of life for their citizens.”
The Arch/Market Neighborhood Project requires a $10,000 local funding match. The project will include the rehab of 11 homes, one of which will be elevated, and the susbtantial reconstruction of four additional homes.
The work is projected to impact 41 city residents all told.
– Story by Chris Graham