For many years there has been discussions about how to improve health care for everyone. There are many questions and many people that are working very hard to find some answers.
While the debate goes on we have to remember that FLYing (Finally Loving Yourself ) includes taking care of You! Keeping our own health and well being in the forefront of our lives. This means not procrastinating on eating right, exercising, doing our self -breast exams and more. We need to make our wellness a priority in our lives and not put ourselves last.
The song “Let There Be Peace on Earth” includes a line that says : “Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.” My health is my ultimate responsibility, and it needs to begin with me; not my husband, my son, my county, my state or my country. It is mine! I have to make me important. I want to live a long and happy life!
I am the one that chose to overeat and carry around Body Clutter. I am also the one who has not rustled her stumps and go for a walk. Most of my life I have not made my health a priority. It took a wakeup call to bring my health to my attention.
A few weeks ago I started Jonathan Roche’s No Excuse Weight Loss and walking intervals. I reached out to my dear friend Michele to help me and she is my trainer. I have given her permission to tell me what to do. This keeps me accountable and no procrastination is allowed. We are walking three mornings a week. At first we were driving to an urban trail. It would take us 15 minutes to get there and 15 minutes to go back home. By that time the morning was slipping away.
One morning I asked her if we could walk up our mountain road and back home. Each day has gotten easier. My friend Pam has been walking up her mountain road for several years now. She has been such a good example for me. That is what made me release my guilt for taking too much time out of my morning. It was just so simple to walk out my door and up my mountain. I could not believe that this morning I could not wait to get out there. I am no longer whining that I don’t have time! I had to find what worked for me!
Ten years ago I relieved the stress in my life by getting my house in order. Right after that my friend Leanne Ely helped me to learn how to eat to live, not live to eat, and now Jonathan is encouraging me to get off my body clutter and move! This journey is the only one I am ever going to take. It is time to take care of my car so I won’t break down along the way.
Last Wednesday (Anti-Procrastination Day) I had my annual physical and this Wednesday I had my mammogram. It only took 11 minutes. You can do anything for 15 minutes. Having routine maintenance is going to keep our cars in good running order. We deserve to run well, too! Finally Loving Yourself is the fuel that keeps you on the road to a long and healthy life! Eating healthy food, moving your body and eliminating the stress in your life is going to take you all the way home!
Join Jonathan and Leanne in their groups on Big Tent. Big Tent is an online community where you can have all your group messages under one roof. It is an efficient way to be a part of a community. You will see a link displayed on their pages. Big Tent was developed by a woman for women. After all we go to the internet for community!
For more help getting rid of your CHAOS, check out Marla Cilley’s website and join her free mentoring group at, listen to her show, or read her books, Sink Reflections, published by Bantam, and her New York Times bestselling book, Body Clutter, published by Fireside. Copyright 2009 Marla Cilley. Used by permission in this publication.