The House of Representatives passed legislation Friday pumping $2 billion into the popular Cash for Clunkers program over the objections of some House Republicans who unfortunateliy used the opportunity to hit Democrats on the big issue of the summer – health-care reform.
“If they can’t handle something as simple as this, how would we handle health care?” House Minority Leader John Buehner told the Associated Press of the program, which has been pushing car sales even as it has served as yet another partisan flashpoint.
Fifth District Democratic Congressman Tom Perriello backed the move. “Many of us were very clear that we should not adjourn without extending this program and paying for it out of existing stimulus funds. I continue to fight for shifting relief from Wall Street back to Main Street, and the success of this program shows how ready our local business leaders are to be part of the solution,” Perriello said in a statement released today.
U.S. Sen. Jim Webb, D-Va., will back the legislation when it moves to the Senate for consideration next week. “Earlier this summer, I introduced a similar vehicle trade-in program with the proviso that it be funded out of the national stimulus package. In my view, the ‘Cash for Clunkers’ program is moving product, keeping people working, and giving people commissions—it’s an obvious stimulus plan. I support the extension of the program,” Webb said.