The Shenandoah Valley Art Center, during the month of October, is exhibiting the second Member’s Judged Show of 2012. Members of the art center compete for awards ranging from Best in Show to honorable mentions. This year’s judge is Michael Hough, Associate Professor of Art at Bridgewater College with a Master of Fine Art from Rhode Island School of Design.
Mr. Hough is primarily a sculptor, working in metal and ceramics, but his career as a college art educator exposes and makes him knowledgeable about many kinds of art. For more information about the judge you may go to An Opening Reception will be held October 4, 5:00 – 7:00pm and the public is encouraged to come and meet the artists while viewing one of the most popular exhibits of the year.
Don’t miss the 41st Fall Foliage Art Show! This is the biggest juried fine art event that the art center sponsors each year. Approximately one hundred and fifty artists from across the country will bring their artwork to downtown Waynesboro on October 13 and 14. Exhibits will open 10am – 5pm on Saturday and 12 – 5pm on Sunday with free admission and parking. Face painting for kids, food vendors, and a day culminating with an awards ceremony for the artists at the River City Wine and Jazz Festival make for a time of aesthetic enjoyment. Recently the show was voted one of the top three art events in Virginia by “Virginia Living” readers.
Shenandoah Valley Art Center offers the ever popular, Saturday Art for Kids, a creative art experience for the young artist from 11am – 1pm on October 6, 20, and 27. Contact the art center for specific information and pre-registration for each class. Open studio opportunities in the Virginia Ross Education Studio are available to printmakers and ceramic artists. Apply online at
The art center is celebrating its new retail alliance partnership with the Artisan Center of Virginia. In the SVAC Gift Shop you can find the perfect creative gift in fiber, jewelry, wood, glass, pottery, and more by juried artisans from Virginia. .
The Shenandoah Valley Art Center is located in downtown Waynesboro at 126 S. Wayne Avenue. Galleries are open to the public 10am to 4pm Tuesday through Saturday. For more information, call (540) 949-7662 or visit