Don’t you love reading the breathless reports on wrestling news websites about how the Occupy Raw angle involving Daniel Bryan was staged, with all the juicy details?
Well, duh! Of course it was staged!
And we can stop getting on Bryan for making comments to the effect that the Occupy Raw movement that told WWE’s powers-that-be what the fans wanted, and getting the company to respond, is akin to people telling corporations that they want them to act more responsibly about the environment and the like.
One, those remarks are scripted, and two, hey, this is actually WWE’s response to the fans, which have been telling the company for months that they want to see stars like Bryan and CM Punk get more pushes over stale musclemen like John Cena and Dave Batista.
So what if the Raw Occupiers were fans in a section off-camera mixed in with WWE ring crew and other backstage hands? Or for that matter if the Occupy movement had its run in 2011, which is, what, three years and a presidential election ago?
Like the angle, and like how WWE is responding to the fan clamor for Daniel Bryan.
– Column by Chris Graham