Home Commercial News  5 Reasons to Dine Outside Even When You’re Alone

 5 Reasons to Dine Outside Even When You’re Alone

Johan Wallman

Have you ever considered what eating outside might do for your health and wellbeing? There’s a reason people prefer eating outside on the patio when they go to their favorite restaurant and why some people cook on the barbecue all summer long.

Food and the outdoors are the ideal combination to increase health and boost your mood. With so many good reasons to eat outside, here’s a list of the best ones.

1. Pizza tastes better outside

Everyone loves the smell of a fresh pizza baking in the oven. When the smell of garlic, sausage, or pepperoni wafts your way, it’s an instant mood booster. Couple that with being outside in the fresh air, in nature with beautiful scenery, and the smell of pizza can really make you feel amazing.

Chances are, you’re going to eat pizza from time to time, and you may as well eat it outside. Studies have shown that food tastes better when you feel better, and since being outside can boost your mood, that’s why pizza always tastes better when you cook it outside.

The good news is it’s easy to make pizza right in your backyard with an outdoor pizza oven. All you need is a simple oven, you don’t need anything fancy. It can be fueled by wood, gas, or electricity, but a wood-burning pizza oven will give you the best-tasting pizza.

2. Eating outside supports connection

If you’re going to dine with other people, eating outside can promote happier conversations and help you develop more rapport with others. Since people naturally feel good outside, they’re going to be in a better mood and, therefore, will be more receptive to things you have to say. Eating outside can even increase the chance of getting a “yes” answer to important questions or favors you need to ask.

3. Outdoor dining makes you feel great

 Spending time outside naturally boosts your vitamin D levels because your skin finally has a chance to absorb sunlight, which it then converts to vitamin D. This, in turn, can elevate your mood.

Most people spend the majority of their lives indoors, whether it’s their house at night or office during the day. The only people who get a steady stream of nature are those who either camp regularly or make it a point to go on walks and hikes whenever possible. If you’re someone who happens to be inside most of the day, having a meal outside is a great way to get your daily dose of sunshine that acts as a mood refreshment. 

4. It’s quiet outside

Nothing beats finding a quiet space outdoors to sit down, relax, and enjoy a good meal. You might prefer to dine with friends, but you may find that eating alone has benefits, too. For example, at the end of a hard day, eating a meal by yourself in the fresh air can really help you decompress and unwind.

 There’s something special about being alone that makes it easier to relax and destress. There’s no demand or expectation to be social, and you can drift away into your own thoughts without worrying about leaving people hanging. Or you can zone out with a blank mind and nobody will be there to bring you back into the world before you’re ready.

5. You can hear nature 

When you’re outside, you’re going to hear sounds of nature, like little birds, squirrels, and maybe even some crows or ravens. There’s a lot going on outside, and if you take the time to sit still and observe, you’ll see and hear all kinds of animal life you never knew was around.

Listening to the sounds of nature has been proven to improve health, boost mood, enhance cognitive function, and decrease stress. If you live a busy life, this could end up being essential downtime for you.

If you don’t have time to go for walks or hikes, and you need a reason to be outside, take your dinner out to the backyard and just start observing. Sit or stand, it doesn’t matter, as long as you’re outside.

Start dining outside once in a while

Now that you have several of the best reasons to eat outside, try having some of your meals in your backyard or on your front porch. You might be pleasantly surprised to see how much better you feel with a cool breeze blowing by as you chow down on some pizza, a sandwich, or whatever your preferred meal is for the day.