Compiled by Chris Graham
[email protected]
LOSING, IF NOT ALREADY THERE: Gilmore trails big-time in Valley
I’ve seen internal poll numbers on the Sixth District in the Warner-Gilmore race, and let me tell you …
I figured Mark Warner would end up winning the Valley, but I also figured this would be the part of the state where Jim Gilmore would run strongest.
Based on what I’ve seen in the data, he’d be lucky to break 40 percent out this way in November.
And if that ends up being the case, John McCain and Bob Goodlatte might have some work to do.
WINNERS: Doug Walker, Bob Lunger, Meghan Williamson
Doug is playing a lot of golf. Bob is loving life as a private-practice attorney. Meghan is standing a couple of inches taller (she’s pushing six feet even now).
And yes, for the record, the sun did come up this morning.
That it did was not because Frank Lucente made it happen, of course.
TODAY’S HOT OR NOT: Hamilton steals show, but doesn’t get W
Maybe it’s time for Major League Baseball to do the sensical thing and make its Home Run Derby a one-round affair.
It’s beyond ridiculous that Texas Ranger Josh Hamilton hit 28 home runs in the first round last night and had to take home the second-place trophy after losing 5-3 in the final to Minnesota’s Justin Morneau.
Give ’em all 10 outs and let ’em rip. Maybe you could fit a few more sluggers in that way.
I dunno. It’s just an idea.