Compiled by Chris Graham
[email protected]
LOSER: President Bush lifts executive ban on offshore drilling
No, I’m not making some sort of environmental statement here. More a political one.
You mean all he had to do was sign a new executive order, and that’s it?
Of course not. The law banning offshore drilling dates back to 1981, incidentally the first year of the Reagan administration. And the executive order that was rendered moot by W’s new executive order was signed in 1990. Yes, by Poppy Bush.
Hmmm. Looks like all the fingerpointing they’ve been doing at Dems was a bit off-base considering the facts of the matter, eh?
WINNER: Sh-h-h-h! Don’t tell anybody, but Goodlatte isn’t safe
I was made privy to poll numbers over the weekend that show that a solid majority of voters in the Sixth District think it’s time for a change in their representation in Congress or that they’re at least willing to consider the matter more between now and Nov. 4.
Which is to say, Goodlatte’s re-election to a ninth term is far from being a foregone conclusion.
I’m sure his own polling is going to tell him the same.
TODAY’S HOT OR NOT: Rain, rain, go away
I know we needed it, but did it have to rain on our annual parade last night?
I know. That’s life. And credit to the Waynesboro Department of Parks and Rec staff for commencing the fireworks show about a half-hour early to try to save us from being completely and totally soaked at the end of the proceedings.
I stayed around ’til the grand finale, and it was worth it, though I’m still a bit waterlogged even as I type this column.