Story by Chris Graham
[email protected]
Hillary Clinton is rallying her supporters to back the Barack Obama-Joe Biden ticket and other Democrats in key congressional races across the country.
“We always knew that we would have a tough election, that it would be close, and it’s critical that no matter who you supported in the primary, Democrats come together along with like-minded Independents and even Republicans who want to change our country,” Clinton said on a conference call with grassoots supporters yesterday to announce the initiation of the “Hillary Sent Me!” call-to-action program. “I am especially excited to get everyone together to make the positive case on behalf of our ticket of Barack Obama and Joe Biden and to defeat the McCain Palin ticket. We especially need to send more Democrats to the Congress, especially to the Senate,” Clinton said.
The “Hillary Sent Me!” program is online at
“As we continue to read the headlines about our troubled economy, the stakes of this election only get higher. Today I am asking all of you to hit the phones, hit the road and spread the word that we must elect Barack Obama President and we must send a filibuster-proof majority to Congress,” Clinton said.
“This is a call to action. We all have a role. And there is not a moment to lose,” Clinton said. “Tell them that Hillary sent you.”