I’d like to report on two pieces of legislation I’ve introduced in Congress.
As a member of the Health Subcommittee of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee, I’ve had the privilege of working to provide the best health care not just for our veterans but also for their families, who join in this incredible sacrifice for our country. To that end, I’ve introduced a bill called the Health Care for Family Care Givers Act of 2009, which would provide medical care for family members who act as the primary caregivers for severely disabled veterans.
Once an injured veteran returns home from treatment at a DoD or VA hospital, it is often a spouse, parent or other loving family member who steps up to the challenge of providing ongoing care. And while this care is provided out of love, compassion, and devotion, it often shifts into a full-time commitment sometimes requiring the caregiver to leave their job, and thus, their health coverage.
My legislation would extend medical care for those caregivers so they will not be subject to deductibles, premiums, copayments, cost-sharing, or other fees for their own personal medical care. The bill also expands the definition of those eligible for benefits beyond spouses and children to include any nuclear, extended, or step-family members who is designated as a primary caregiver by a veteran.
As a nation, we have an obligation to care for those who have stood in the defense of freedom. We also have an equal obligation to their families who fully share in this awesome sacrifice.
I’m pleased to report that my legislation was included in H.R. 3155, the Caregiver Assistance and Resource Enhancement Act, which passed the full Veterans’ Affairs Committee last week with bi-partisan support and will now be considered by the entire House of Representatives.
Another bill I’ve introduced is a result of conversations with superintendents, school board members, principals and teachers in our rural communities. Rural education has unique needs and considerations that are sometimes overlooked on the national level.
After listenting to local education leaders, I have introduced a bill, H.R. 3180, the Strengthening Community Opportunities through Rural Education (SCORE) Act of 2009, which would establish a national advisory committee on rural education within the Department of Education.
The advisory committee would study the unique challenges faced by rural public school systems in providing elementary and secondary education, including: difficulty in attracting and retaining new teachers; deficient or inadequate school facilities and infrastructure; transportation shortfalls; gaps in access to broadband and technology; the “brain drain” of college-bound youth who never return to rural communities; and limited funding.
Under the proposed legislation, the Secretary of Education and the Secretary of Agriculture, or their designees, would serve as advisory committee members, along with teachers, school administrators, principals, and school board members from rural areas. The advisory committee would submit a report twice a year to the Congress and the President, and the committee would dissolve after two years.
My hope is that this advisory committee will help the President, his Cabinet, and members of Congress better understand the needs of rural education so we can make sure our children get the skills and education they need to compete in a global economy.
Please feel free to contact me to share your concerns and ideas. You may call 888.4.TOM4US (888.486.6487); write to 1520 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515; or visit www.perriello.house.gov to sign up for my weekly e-newsletter.
Tom Perriello represents the Fifth District in the United States House of Representatives.