Point of Sale or POS system helps restaurant owners to keep track of food inventory, cash flow, and sales. It enormously simplifies their bookkeeping. Obviously, restaurant owner concentrates in running a kitchen efficiently and serving delicious food but even concentrating on POS is crucial. It is the core nerve of your restaurant, which keeps everything run smoothly.
POS system is a vital technology that needs to be prioritized. Those restaurants, which have still not leveraged POS technology needs to do it, so as to have an establishment running more efficiently and effortlessly. Check the reviews of multiple restaurant systems to choose an appropriate one, which suits your business needs.
Reasons to leverage POS system for your restaurant business
Inventory control
Restaurant inventory includes all raw materials needed to cook dishes, so it is crucial to manage inventory and to keep accurate track of every ingredient used. Margin is tight and manual inventory management is time-consuming and burdensome. Little negligence can cause major revenue loss.
A dynamic POS system helps to count the opening & closing stock, when shift changes, keeps track of the stock used and real-times updates are performed. Ingredient usage pattern will be identified over time, which will help to modify your buying process, accordingly.
Waste management
The POS system offers visibility of the stocked ingredient level. When a menu item is sold or wasted the inventory gets updated. If inventory levels don’t match with what system says then you can track if ingredients are misused and discuss this with the staff, who will be more careful in future.
You even get an idea that some dishes are not just selling, which can be eliminated from the menu to minimize the waste. Thus, menu items too can be managed efficiently. Waste decrease can save significantly.
Keep records accurately
When stock arrives, the receipt, quantity, and vendor name is entered in the POS system. It helps to decrease the possibility that ingredients sit unnoticed instead of being used. You will also place orders smartly as you are equipped with the inventory details.
Make sure that your staff understand the significance of maintain records accurately. Besides a POS system, also organizes the sales tax as well as profit & loss statement.
Labor optimization
From the list of popular restaurant POS systems, choose a user-friendly platform that can automate many workforce management aspects. It includes scheduling and clocking of the staff to cover shifts with heavy traffic. It will even generate payroll reports automatically, which is otherwise time-consuming.
Your staff can easily learn the ins and outs of the POS system, as entering orders is simple. Restaurants are always hiring new staff, so a POS system with simple interface reduces the time needed to train fresher.
Restrict access
From unwanted usage, staff access can be limited to data not relating to their role in the restaurant. You can allocate user categories like owner, manager, cashiers, waiters, chefs, etc. and monitor their activities. Thus, you can keep vigilance on inventory, thus averting wastage and theft.
POS system offers total control over your restaurant inventory!