Home Megasite, Waynesboro bonds, garbage in the paper
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Megasite, Waynesboro bonds, garbage in the paper


Winners and Losers column by Chris Graham
[email protected]

LOSERS: Megasite foes
They were out in droves in 2006 – and I suspect that many of them were at the polls in Augusta County last week.
In any case, they got outvoted – and I think that says a lot about where the county is on development.
Thank you, sir, can I have another?

PUSH: Three up, two down in Waynesboro
Waynesboro voters approved three bond issues, including a much-discussed project to build a second fire station, and killed two others, including one in the works 10 years to build a youth baseball-softball complex.
Still reading the tea leaves on what this all means …

LOSERS: Big to-do about not much in local paper about Salvation Army finances
Unreturned phone calls and a national spokesman who couldn’t answer a specific question because he was driving – and we have ourselves a scandal in Waynesboro about the local Salvation Army’s finances.
Or maybe what we have instead is a story that needed another day or two to gestate.
But if we do that kind of thing in our business, we can’t suggest offhand that giving money to a charity might be “tainted” and move on to the salacious story of the day for the next day’s paper.
This is the kind of reporting that can make one ashamed to call one’s self a member of the news media.



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