An updated calendar of events at James Madison University in Harrisonburg.
Sept. 25: International Week at JMU: For a full schedule of IWeek events, visit
Sept. 25-30: Art in the Arboretum, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday, Frances Plecker Education Center at the Edith J. Carrier Arboretum: The tapestries of Joan Griffin use wool, silk and metallic yarns selectively with color variations and patterns to produce unique pieces that have earned accolades at juried art shows throughout the country; some pieces are available for purchase; for more information, visit or phone (540) 568-3194.
Sept. 25-Dec. 15: PRISM Gallery Exhibition, open during normal building hours, lower level of Festival Conference and Student Center: Opening Sept. 23 from 4 to 6 p.m., “Looking Out – Thirty Years of Study Abroad at JMU, 1979-2009” traces the development of JMU’s study abroad program since its beginnings in London; the program continues to flourish and now sends more than 1,000 students each year to nearly 40 programs around the world; enjoy the sights and sounds of other cultures as captured by students and faculty whose lives international education has transformed; free.
Sept. 25-Nov. 6: The Gallery @ Festival Exhibition, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday-Friday, Room 2104, Festival Conference and Student Center: “The World of the Ancient Greeks and Romans” is an interactive, fun and child-friendly exhibit that encourages exploration of classical Mediterranean culture through objects drawn from the Madison Art Collection; learn about how Western life today is strongly influenced by the Greeks and Romans; free.
Sept. 25-Oct. 17: New Image Gallery Exhibition, noon-5 p.m. Monday-Thursday, noon-4 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 131 Grace St.: The contemporary photography gallery presents the printmaking of Jack McCaslin, JMU professor of art and art history; for information, call (540) 568-7175; free.
Sept. 25-26: artWorks Gallery Exhibition, noon-4 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 131 Grace St.: Features the work of JMU undergraduate students; free.
Sept. 25-26: Experimental Theatre, 8 p.m. Friday, 2 and 8 p.m. Saturday, Theatre II: “The Woman Who Always Got What She Wanted”; admission is $4.
Sept. 26: Guest Artist, 8 p.m., Wilson Hall Auditorium: Andres Diaz, cello; general admission is $5, $2 for JAC card holders at the door; check the School of Music’s Concert Hotline at (540) 568-3481 for venue and times changes.
Sept. 27: Guest Artist, 3 p.m., Wilson Hall Auditorium: Janina Fialkowska, piano; check the School of Music’s Concert Hotline at (540) 568-3481 for venue and times changes; free.
Sept. 28-Oct. 30: Sawhill Gallery Encore Series Exhibition, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday, 2-5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, Duke Hall: The School of Art and Art History has selected Huh Hwe-tae as the Encore Artist for 2009-10; his work, “Emography,” is a combination of emotion and five calligraphic styles; the JMU exhibition is the first major showing of artwork by this renowned Korean artist in the United States; for information, call (540) 568-6407; free.
Sept. 28-Oct. 10: artWorks Gallery Exhibition, noon-5 p.m. Monday-Thursday, noon-4 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 131 Grace St.: Features the work of JMU undergraduate students; free.
Sept. 28: Visiting Scholars Program Lecture, 4 p.m., Room 204, Music Building: Patrick Freer, an associate professor of choral music education at Georgia State University, presents “The ‘Possible Selves’ of Adolescents: A Key to Motivation”; sponsored by the College of Arts and Letters; for information, call (540) 568-6472; free.
Sept. 28: Sawhill Gallery Encore Series Lecture, 5 p.m., Duke Hall: Renowned Korean artist Huh Hwe-tae discusses his art; a gallery reception follows from 6 to 7:30 p.m.; for information, call (540) 568-6407; free.
Sept. 29: JMU Jazz Ensemble and Jazz Band, 8 p.m., Wilson Hall Auditorium: Admission is $2 at the door; check the School of Music’s Concert Hotline at (540) 568-3481 for venue and times changes.
Sept. 29-Oct. 3: JMU Theatre – “The Diviners,” 8 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday, Latimer-Shaeffer Theatre, Duke Hall: Set during the Great Depression, Jim Leonard Jr.’s play is a heart-rending allegorical gem; tickets are $8 and $10; call the Masterpiece Season box office at (540) 568-7000 or (877) 201-7543 (toll free) for reservations.
Oct. 1: Visiting Scholars Program Lecture, 6 p.m., Room 2105, Harrison Hall: Kate Mangelsdorf, a professor of rhetoric and writing studies at the University of Texas at El Paso, presents “The Dilemma of Definition: What Happens When We Classify Students”; sponsored by the College of Arts and Letters; for information, call (540) 568-6472; free.
Oct. 1: Visiting Scholars Program Lecture, 6:30 p.m., Room 1302, Health and Human Services Building: Gail Fairhurst, a professor of communication at the University of Cincinnati, presents “Leadership in the Age of Obama”; sponsored by the College of Arts and Letters; for information, call (540) 568-6472; free.
Oct. 1: Visiting Scholars Program Lecture, 8 p.m., Room 1101, Miller Hall: Kembrew McLeod, an associate professor of communication studies at the University of Iowa, presents “Sample Some of This: Remix Culture, Media and Copyright Law”; sponsored by the College of Arts and Letters; for information, call (540) 568-6472; free.
Oct. 2: JMU Brass Band, 8 p.m., Wilson Hall Auditorium: Formed in 2000, the traditional British-style band has twice been named the North American Brass Band Association Honors Section Champion and also the NABBA Championship Section runner-up two years in a row; tickets are $8 and $10; call the Masterpiece Season box office at (540) 568-7000 or (877) 201-7543 (toll free) for reservations.
Oct. 4: JMU Wind Symphony, 3 p.m., Wilson Hall Auditorium: Admission is $4; check the School of Music’s Concert Hotline at (540) 568-3481 for venue and time changes.