I might look paranoid, but in a way, it makes sense.
One of India’s problems has been Pakistan, and as time passes, more countries seem to be allying itself with India for its economic partnership. The big landmark deal of the week is the India-U.S. nuclear deal.
The message it sends is bigger than what it is. It is actually a civil nuclear partnership, where the U.S. can also enjoy reaping economic benefits of participating in the US$160 billion projects that Russia and France has already been enjoying.
There are indeed more restrictions from the side of U.S. for this deal to transpire. There are more hindrances put in and conditions to which India does not really need given that it is already exchanging technology openly with Russia and France.
But what does it imply? All a Pakistani civilian will understand is India is now teaming up with India to work on nuclear technology. The same nuclear technology huge loud bombs are made of. The same technology that makes the ground shake.
And here’s the best part. In the past few weeks, the U.S. has been attacking parts of Pakistan, killing “suspected” terrorists.
I am not trying to imply anything, but if I were Pakistan, I should be open to help in eliminating terrorists, if I am sincere with the fact that I want to be rid of them.
Pakistan has a large fault over the whole situation by harboring some of the most notorious terrorist groups and cells. They have taken advantage of asking for funds from everyone to “help” combat terrorism. This would include, a primary point, give locals something else to do rather than join the militants.
The point is, if Pakistan showed proper sincerity, their economy would have shown drastic improvement that its neighbors are currently enjoying (or neighbor). Their wages are not far apart, and they are blessed with wonderful cotton and agricultural land. When it comes to resources, Pakistan has a lot to offer.
But who wants to do business in a place where anarchy seems to be the ruling party? After some point of not really doing anything, an important factor will come in, “enough is enough.”
If they cannot progress in stopping terrorism and arresting those involved. We are all forced to get in there and stop the terrorists ourselves.
We civilians are tired of having to be suspected for being terrorists (especially if you look like me), we are tired of having to shave every time we go to the airport, or having to see fellow passengers being paranoid when there are several of us in the plane. There was an Indian movie that is worth to watch titled “Wednesday” where a civilian himself did what it takes to fight back against terrorists, to present that if the government cannot do the job, someone has to, for the sake of everyone’s peace and security.
It only takes a few terrorists to brand everyone from India to the Middle East as terrorists. We all live in the state of paranoia that we do not need to live in.
After all, ultimate freedom also requires freedom from prejudice. We all have the right to be seen for who we are, and not how we appear.
My message to the U.S. and India: Keep at it until Pakistan actually does something about terrorists.