Home Celebrate the Irish culture with the WTA
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Celebrate the Irish culture with the WTA


Story By Erin Gutzwiller

shamrock1th.gifShamrocks, leprechauns and a pot of gold all remind us of the Irish culture that embodies St. Patrick’s Day. And the Wayne Theatre Alliance is in the spirit.

Beginning at 12:30 p.m. Saturday, walkers, strollers and bicycle riders will be decorated in their St. Patrick’s Day attire and walk in the parade. The King of the Parade is Duane Hahn, and the Queen is June Hall of Waynesboro. The parade will feature Dixie Pony Rides and facepainting by local artists Lynn Hilton Conyers and Anne Seaton. A craft table with items donated by Ben Franklin Crafts, pizza and a bake sale will all be available. After the parade, Irish Dance Arts will perform Irish dancing.

Check-in and registration for the parade will begin at noon at the Willow Oak Plaza on Broad Street in Downtown Waynesboro. Entry for children will be $1, and Dixie Pony Rides will be $4.

Organized by Tracy Straight, she says that the parade is a “venue for all ages.” It gives children an additional chance, besides Halloween, to dress up in a costume, and it is a great family event for the community.



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